Investigation of production and marketing status of milk and dairy products of dairy cows in Logar province – Afghanistan


1 Department of Animal Sciences - Faculty of Agriculture - Razi University - Kermanshah - Iran

2 Department of Animal Sciences - Faculty of Agriculture - University of Paktia - Gardiz - Afghanistan

3 Department of Animal Sciences - Faculty of Agriculture - Logar University - Pol Alam - Afghanistan

4 Department of Plant Production and Genetics, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering, Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.


Background and Object: Milk is the first and most important source of natural human food, which is rich in nutrients needed for human consumption, and its consumption is not a problem at any age. Milk can be obtained from different sources, such as goat,sheep, cow, buffalo and camel; however, cow's milk is the most popular sweet among all milk. On the other hand, milk is only an agricultural product whose production is not dependent on a specific season of the year. Also, the dairy industry has a special place for women in terms of employment. The objective of this research is to investigate the status of dairy cattle breeding, production of milk and dairy products, marketing of milk and dairy products, and challenges in the production and sale of dairy products in Logar province of Afghanistan.
Materials and methods: This research was conducted in 2023 in districts of Pol Alam, Mohammad Agheh, and Barki Barak, and a total of 55 villages and 255 animal handlers were covered using the targeted population method. Primary data of this research has been collected and analyzed with the help of Excel and SAS softwares.
Results: Results showed that more than 40% of Holstein and Brown Swiss foreign cattle breeds were nurturing in the research area, and the average number of dairy cattle in farms was 2 heads. The range of daily milk production in dairy farms was between 20.00 - 12.80 kg per day, and after the Holstein breed (13.02 kg/day), cross breed cattle (Holstein * Kandahari) with a production of 11.00 kg/ day had the best productivity.In addition, animal handlers sold 56.26% of produced milk as fresh milk, and the average income of dairy farm owners from selling milk and dairy products in one lactation period was 1700 dollars($$). Also, results showed that the majority of buyers of milk and dairy products in the region under research were cooperatives and private companies. According to the results of this research, the most important challenge in terms of ranking in milk production is the lack of banking facilities (lending) and the least challenge is the lack of vaccines and animal medicines. The most important challenge in marketing milk and dairy products is the lack of modern tools and machines for transportation milk and dairy products and the least challenge in this part is the effect of seasonal fluctuations in milk production.
Conclusion: The general conclusion of the research showed that in Logar province, Holstein breed produced more milk and cross breed performed better compared to indigenous breeds, and farmers sold a large amount of their produced milk in the form of fresh milk, as well as the most important buyers of produced milk. There were cooperatives and private companies in Logar province. In order to improve the current situation, it is suggested to ranchers and farm owners to form livestock associations.
