How to register in the system and submit articles? Full details of how to make online submissions can be found in the “ Guide for Authors”

Full details of how to make online submissions can be found in the “ Guide for Authors”.

What is the policy of accessing articles in the Journal ?

open access

How to submit articles to This journal?

Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically by using This Journal   online submission and review web site (https://ejrr.gau.ac.ir/ ). This site will guide authors stepwise through the submission process.

What policy will be followed if the principles and rules of preparing the manuscript are not followed?

If the rules and regulations provided in the "Guide for Authors" section are not applied , the manuscript will not be reviewed.

What is the peer review process of manuscripts submitted to theThis Journal?

Please refer to the Journal’s Peer Review Process.

Does the Journal accept notes and short articles?


Is there a fee for refereeing and publishing articles?


How should the manuscripts be prepared for the submission to this Journal ?

To prepare the final version of an article for its publication, please see "Guide for Authors" section. It is essential to observe all the tips and style sheets provided in this section.

What will happen if there is a non-compliance with the ethical principles of publication by the authors?

Be aware that non-compliance with publication ethics will result in the withdrawal of your paper and authors will enter a black list and will be unable to make future submissions to the Journal. Additionally, the authors’  affiliated institutions  will be notified of the misconduct and unethical behavior.