Background and objectives Some reports indicate that, due to different reasons, in grazing animals (such as nomad animals) nutrients deficiency may occur particularly for degradable and undegradable protein, metabolizable energy, vitamins and some minerals including sulfur and phosphorus. Thus, in some parts of the world, supplemental nutrients in the form of supplemental blocks are used in animal nutrition to overcome these deficiencies and to improve the nutritional value of consumed feeds. Application of supplemental blocks has been highly extended in recent years. The current study was designed and conducted to investigate the effects of supplemental block containing urea, molasses and mineral- vitamins on productive and reproductive performance of Qashqai ewes, in Fars province. Materials and methods For conducting the experiment, a total number of 75 Qashqai ewes (1-4 parity) were chosen and then distributed in a completely randomized design among 3 experimental groups (treatments) (25 replicates per treatment). All groups were fed with pasture forage as main feedstuff throughout the study. In the control group, ewes did not receive supplemental block but in two other groups, they received 100g (T100) or 150g (T150) block/ewe/day, in 2 phases (The first phase 20 days before breeding until 50 days after that and the second one 30 days before expected lambing until lamb weaning at 90 days of age). The supplemental block contained the following ingredients: molasses, urea, wheat bran, common salt, mineral-vitamin supplement, gypsum, cement and sodium bicarbonate. Results The results indicated that feeding ewes with 100 or 150 g supplemental block resulted in a significant decrease in percentage of the barren ewes (P
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Abdollahipanah, A. , Parsaei, S. and houshmand, M. (2020). The effect of nutrients-containing supplemental block on productive and reproductive performance of Torki Qashqai sheep under nomad condition. Journal of Ruminant Research, 7(4), 33-44. doi: 10.22069/ejrr.2020.17005.1705
Abdollahipanah, A. , , Parsaei, S. , and houshmand, M. . "The effect of nutrients-containing supplemental block on productive and reproductive performance of Torki Qashqai sheep under nomad condition", Journal of Ruminant Research, 7, 4, 2020, 33-44. doi: 10.22069/ejrr.2020.17005.1705
Abdollahipanah, A., Parsaei, S., houshmand, M. (2020). 'The effect of nutrients-containing supplemental block on productive and reproductive performance of Torki Qashqai sheep under nomad condition', Journal of Ruminant Research, 7(4), pp. 33-44. doi: 10.22069/ejrr.2020.17005.1705
A. Abdollahipanah , S. Parsaei and M. houshmand, "The effect of nutrients-containing supplemental block on productive and reproductive performance of Torki Qashqai sheep under nomad condition," Journal of Ruminant Research, 7 4 (2020): 33-44, doi: 10.22069/ejrr.2020.17005.1705
Abdollahipanah, A., Parsaei, S., houshmand, M. The effect of nutrients-containing supplemental block on productive and reproductive performance of Torki Qashqai sheep under nomad condition. Journal of Ruminant Research, 2020; 7(4): 33-44. doi: 10.22069/ejrr.2020.17005.1705