Effect of extended transition milk feeding on nutrients intake, feeding behavior and rumination pattern of Holstein dairy calves


1 Department of animal Science, College of Agriculture, Shiraz University

2 Shiraz University

3 MSc. Graduated student, Department of Animal Science, School of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Shiraz 71441–65186, Iran.

4 MSc. Graduated student, Sajed Khiyarak School of Agriculture, First Region of Ardabil Education, Ardabil, Iran.

5 Department of Animal Science- Faculty of Agriculture- Shiraz University.

6 Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Science, Chahatmahal Bakhtiari Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Shahrekord, Iran.


Background and objectives: Mature milk is the most complete feed for weaning calf, but use of liquid feeds such as milk replacers, transition milk (TM) and waste milk results in maximum benefit due to their lower cost. This experiment was aimed to study the effect of extended transition milk feeding on nutrients intake, feeding behavior and rumination pattern of f Holstein dairy calves.
Materials and methods: Calves were enrolled in the study in chronological order according to their birth date. During 21 consecutive days, calves were enrolled in the individual pens (4 calves daily; one calf per treatment per day) progressively as born. A total of 84 healthy newborn female Holstein calves (3days of age; BW = 35.8 ± 0.56 kg) were randomly allocated to four experimental groups. Four groups included:1- TM0, daily pooled 6 l pasteurized waste milk , 2- TM0.5, a daily mixture of 5.5 l pooled pasteurized waste milk with 0.5 l pooled pasteurized TM, 3- TM1, a daily mixture of pooled pasteurized waste milk with 1 l pooled pasteurized TM, and 4- TM2, a daily mixture of 4 l pooled pasteurized waste milk with 2 l pooled pasteurized TM. Treatments were applied for a 21-day period and all calves were then fed individually with 6 l/day pooled pasteurized waste milk till day 60. Individual daily feed intake, particle size intake of starter diet, sorting index and feeding behavior were determined.
Results: The results showed that the interaction of period and level of TM and level of MT had no effect on starter nutrients intake. However, intake of dry matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, non -fibrous carbohydrates and ether extract were higher in post weaning period that pre weaning period for all of experimental groups. Feed sorting index data showed that calves selected for feed particle with 2.36 mm and calved fed TM0 had the highest sorting value for particle size 2.36 mm. Particle size intake of starter diet nutrients were not different among experimental groups. The interaction of period and level of TM had no significant effect on feeding behavior and meal pattern. However, meal interval was affected by the interaction of period and level of TM, so that calves received 1 L TM had the greatest meal interval. Furthermore, calves received 2 L TM had the highest eating time.
Conclusion: The results showed that mature milk could be replaced by TM in dairy calf nutrition without any negative effect on dry matter intake and feeding behavior.


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