Processing of Feather meal using ozone (o3) gas and evaluation of its nutritional value using in vitro and in situ nylon bags techniques


1 Urmia University

2 Department of Animal Science, Urmia University

3 urmia university


Background and objectives: The use of bio-waste in animal feed, in addition to reducing the cost of feed, reduces environmental pollution resulting from the disposal of this waste. Feathers make up about 10% of a bird's weight. 90% of full weight contains creatine, which is rich in the serine amino acids cysteine, glycine, alanine and threonine. The strength of fibrous protein is due to its high hydrogen, disulfide bonds and low hydrophilicity, which makes creatine insoluble and stable against degradation by enzymes such as trypsin and pepsin. Although the poultry industry in the country is expanding day to day, there are no plans to process and return this valuable product to the production cycle. Therefore, the purpose of this project is Processing of Feather meal using ozone (o3) gas and evaluation of its nutritional value using in vitro and in situ nylon bags techniques.

Materials and methods: To process the Feather meal with ozone gas, for this purpose a reactor with a capacity to withstand twice the pressure was designed and built. The processing reactor was a double-walled steel tank with a steel surface with a capacity of 1 kg. An ozone generator with a capacity of ten grams of ozone per hour was connected to it and an oxygen capsule was used to supply the oxygen needed by the device and also to increase the pressure inside the reactor. Experimental treatments include: control (without processing), ozone-processed Feather meal in 30 minutes, ozone-processed Feather meal in 60 minutes, ozone-processed Feather meal in 90 minutes and ozone-processed Feather meal in The time was 180 minutes. In order to determine the degradability coefficients of dry matter, three fistulated Holstein male steers were used to prepare and incubation of the samples in situ within the rumen. In order to determine the effect of processing on the amount of gas produced in the laboratory, the pressure of the produced gas was determined in three separate cycles and three repetitions per sample in each run.
Results: Feather meal dry matter under the influence of ozone gas showed a significant decrease in treatments of 60, 90 and 180 minutes (P <0.05) The amount of crude fat under the influence of ozone gas processing showed significantly increased in treatments 60, 90 and 180 Minute (p < 0.05). The amount of crude protein in 180 minutes treatment showed a significant increase compared to the control (P <0.05) but no significant difference was observed in other treatments. The amount of ash was not affected by ozone treatment. Ozone gas processing increased the amount of gas production (P <0.05). The gas production of insoluble part showed a significant increase in all processing times compared to the control (P <0.05). The decomposition rate constant showed a significant decrease in the 180-minute treatment (P <0.05). There was a significant increase in methane production volume and dry matter digestibility of all treatments (P <0.05). The pH value was not significant. The protozoan population in 90 and 180 min treatments showed a significant increase compared to the control (P <0.05). Dry matter degradability showed a significant increase in all treatments (P <0.05). The insoluble part showed a significant increase with increasing frequency (P <0.05). Effective degradability in all passage rate constants showed a significant increase with increasing processing time (P <0.05(.
Conclusion: According to the results of this experiment, it can be concluded that processing of Feather meal using ozone gas releases peptides and amino acids and consequently increases its degradability and nutritional value. However, further studies are needed to increase the processing time, use of oxygen in the air,


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