The effect of physical form of concentrate and buffer type on the activity of some hydrolytic enzymes of different segments of rumen fluid, nitrogen Retention and hematology in Dalagh fattening lambs


1 Dept. animal sciences

2 Gorgan University

3 Dept. of animal sciences

4 shiraz


Background and objectives: In sheep fattening, due to diets that contain high concentrate and low forage, it is possible to reduce the balance of the rumen environment. According to researches, the activity of rumen enzymes also varies with regard to the rumen status, especially pH, and the inherent nature of buffers in improving the rumen's environmental conditions, as well as the possible effect of the physical form of the concentrate on ruminal activity. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of the physical form of the concentrate (pellet and mash) and buffer type of ration (bicarbonate sodium and sesquisodium carbonate) on the activity of some ruminal hydrolytic enzymes including carboxymethyl cellulase, microcrystalline cellulase, Filter paper decomposition activity, protease and alpha amylase in different segments of rumen fluid (including solid, extracellular and intracellular sections) and nitrogen retention and blood hematology of Dalagh fattening lambs.
Materials and Methods: In order to investigate the effect of the physical form of the concentrate and the buffer type of diet on the activity of some hydrolytic ruminal enzymes, nitrogen retention and blood hematology in Dalagh fattening lambs, used 28 male lambs in 6±1.2 months and average weight of 28±2.7. This experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement and a 98-day period (14 days of adaptation and 84 days of the main period) with 4 treatments and 7 replications. Rumen fluid sampling was performed to measure the activity of some hydrolytic enzymes during the final week of the experiment. Also, on day 60, 4 lambs were randomly selected from each treatment and transferred to metabolic cages. After 3 days of adaptation, for 6 consecutive days, the urine and faces were collected so that the nitrogen balance was also measured using nitrogen consumption and excretion It was estimated through urine and faces. To determine the blood parameters, in final day, 3 hours after the morning feeding, blood was taken from the vein and immediately transferred to the laboratory. Blood parameters such as white blood cells, neutrophils, eosinophil’s, lymphocytes and monocytes were measured and red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean blood cell counts, mean hemoglobin, and mean hemoglobin concentration were also determined.
Results: Based on the results, change in physical form of the concentrate and the buffer type did not have a significant effect on the activity of the total carboxymethyl cellulase enzymes, microcrystalline cellulase, and activity of filter paper decomposition, alpha amylase and protease. Although the experimental diets have been effective in the activity of various segments protease enzymes and filter paper decomposition activity. This effect has not been sufficient to alter the overall activity of these enzymes. In relation to nitrogen balance, no significant difference was found between nitrogen intake, total nitrogen and nitrogen retention in experimental groups, and only excreted nitrogen through feces under the influence of sesquisodium carbonate buffer increased compared to those receiving sodium bicarbonate buffer. Also, no significant differences were found between the hematological parameters of the lambs.
Conclusion: This study showed that the physical form of the concentrate and the buffer type had a significant difference in the activity of the total carboxymethyl cellulase enzymes, microcrystalline cellulase, activity of filter paper decomposition, alpha amylase and protease and nitrogen balance, as well as there are no, between hematology parameters.


Main Subjects

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